
  • Amazon science published an article on my experience teaching in Stanford while working in Amazon.
  • I was interviewed by Jay Shah on his podcast on recommendation system, being an applied scientist and building a research career.


I am an applied scientist in Amazon. My research interests are large language models, hyperparameter optimization, transfer learning, recommendation engines, scalable machine learning, and online algorithms.

In the past couple of years, I have worked on ranking and recommendation engines for Alexa Video. Prior to that, I was a research scientist at Visa Research where I worked on “transaction predictor” and “cause analysis engine” problems that focused on providing merchants with actionable insights to improve their KPIs. I received my PhD in from University of Utah where I worked on matrix approximation problems in data streams. Together with my collaborators, we showed our proposed Frequent Directions algorithm is space optimal with respect to the guaranteed error bounds it achieves. In 2017, I did a short postdoc at DIMACS Rutgers University under supervision of Muthu Muthukrishnan.


Past Interns



  • Graph learning-based system with updated vectors with Fei Wang, Mahsa Shafaei, Hao Yang

  • Computer-implemented method, system and computer program product for group recommendation with Hao Yang, Hossein Hamooni

Academic Work

I have been on academic review committees for many conferences including KDD, DAMI Springer, SISC, STACS, and PC member of AISTATS, NIPS, ICML.